Monday, 20 February 2012

7 Things you need to know about spray tanning in winter

Apart from the usual considerations for spray tanning during the summer months there may be a few other points worth considering (during these cold winter months).

  1. warm the salon, OK this is obvious, but however warm you feel it is, it will always feel cold (to a client being sprayed with a cold wet tan).
  2. Warm those (non) sticky feet up. Sometimes sticky feet become unsticky when cold, warm them on a radiator to reactivate the stickiness
  3. Supply disposable slippers, clients are unlikely to turn up in the recommended sandals, so offer them a pair of disposable sandals.
  4. Remind the client to dress for summer. Loose, light (in weight) cloths are the order of the day. Heavy woolen cardies , tights & UGG boots are definitely not a good idea.
  5. If the tan is taking too long to dry then consider using a hairdrier, Not for everyday use but if it just won't dry, a hairdrier is a godsend.
  6. Consider using lower DHA tanning solutions during winter (as clients are generally paler), a 10% DHA is fine for the majority of clients.
  7. During winter month skin can easily dry out, DHA can also dry skin out, so make sure you apply plenty of tanning mousturiser.

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